* The effect of kinesiology tapes, cross tapes and bandages has not yet been scientifically proven, so our statements are based on case studies and years of our own experience. In case of doubt, please ask a doctor, therapist or contact our experts.
Questions or advice? 07464 980282
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With our free video tutorials.

Kinesiology Tape Video Tutorials


With the help of our Kintex tapes, you can retape very many different taping systems. We mostly use Kintex Classic and Kintex Precut tape in our videos


The color choice of the tapes is not mandatory, we have deliberately chosen different colors to better represent the plants in the videos.


Please note that before any treatment is a detailed findings the basis of a targeted therapy by kinesiology tape. Each person is unique, so only by taking into account the individual circumstances, a successful therapy is possible. We recommend our kinesiology tape to be applied exclusively by trained kinesiology therapists.


Our videos have been shot specifically for night taping (some with a partner). If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Instructions for the use of Kintex Kinesiology Tape

Kintex tape should remain applied for about 1 week, with the main effect expected in the first 3-5 days after application. You can shower, bathe, swim or do sports with the tape on. Even sweating is possible under the tape.

Attention: Note that our articles as well as these instructions cannot replace the contacts with doctors and physiotherapists that may be required. Our products are not intended to replace professional advice, examinations, treatments, diagnoses, etc. by professionals, but only to support them. If you experience itching under the tape, remove the tape immediately and consult a doctor or pharmacist in case of doubt.

Note: The effect of kinesiology tapes is not scientifically proven, our statements are based on our years of experience.


alle Artikel
General notes
Neck and shoulder
Head and face
Back and chest
Arms and fingers
Belly and buttocks
Legs and knees
Foot and ankle
Instructions for kinesiology tape for migraine
Instructions for kinesiology tape for migraine
Instructions for kinesiology Tape for muscular tinnitus
Instructions for kinesiology Tape for muscular tinnitus
Instructions for kinesiology tape for problems of the frontal and paranasal sinuses.
Instructions for kinesiology tape for problems of the frontal and paranasal sinuses.
Instructions for kinesiology tape for respiratory problems such as colds or hay fever
Instructions for kinesiology tape for respiratory problems such as colds or hay fever
Instruction for kinesiology tape for pain in the neck area
Instruction for kinesiology tape for pain in the neck area
Instructions for kinesiology tape for general shoulder pain
Instructions for kinesiology tape for general shoulder pain
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the area of the anterior chest muscle
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the area of the anterior chest muscle
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the back (latissimus dorsi)
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the back (latissimus dorsi)
Instructions for kinesiology tape for rib contusion
Instructions for kinesiology tape for rib contusion
Instruction for Kinesiology Taping on the Trapezius
Instruction for Kinesiology Taping on the Trapezius
Kintex instructions for kinesiology taping for upper back pain
Kintex instructions for kinesiology taping for upper back pain
Instructions for kinesiology taping of the rhomboids
Instructions for kinesiology taping of the rhomboids
Instruction Kinesiology Tape - application technique on the lumbar vertebrae
Instruction Kinesiology Tape - application technique on the lumbar vertebrae
Instructions for kinesiology tape for problems of the lymphatic system
Instructions for kinesiology tape for problems of the lymphatic system
Instructions for Kinesiology Tape for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Instructions for Kinesiology Tape for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Instructions for Kinesiology Taping on the biceps
Instructions for Kinesiology Taping on the biceps
Instructions for kinesiology taping for tendonitis of the biceps
Instructions for kinesiology taping for tendonitis of the biceps
Instructions for kinesiology tape on golfer's elbow
Instructions for kinesiology tape on golfer's elbow
Instructions for kinesiology tape for tendinitis in the forearm
Instructions for kinesiology tape for tendinitis in the forearm
Instruction for kinesiology tape of the thumb saddle joint
Instruction for kinesiology tape of the thumb saddle joint
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the area of the triceps
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the area of the triceps
Instruction for kinesiology tape on the finger (capsule tear)
Instruction for kinesiology tape on the finger (capsule tear)
Instruction for kinesiology tape on the gluteus (maximus muscle)
Instruction for kinesiology tape on the gluteus (maximus muscle)
Instructions for kinesiology tape for menstrual cramps
Instructions for kinesiology tape for menstrual cramps
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the gastrointestinal tract
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the gastrointestinal tract
Instructions for kinesiology tape on the piriformis muscle
Instructions for kinesiology tape on the piriformis muscle
Instruction kinesiology taping for pain in the elbow
Instruction kinesiology taping for pain in the elbow
Instructions for kinesiology tape on the inner ligament of the knee joint
Instructions for kinesiology tape on the inner ligament of the knee joint
Instructions for kinesiology tape for water deposits in the leg
Instructions for kinesiology tape for water deposits in the leg
Instruction for tape application for pain of nonspecific knee pain
Instruction for tape application for pain of nonspecific knee pain
Instructions for kinesiology tape for patella pain
Instructions for kinesiology tape for patella pain
Instruction for kinesiology tape for a muscle strain using the example of the thigh
Instruction for kinesiology tape for a muscle strain using the example of the thigh
Instructions for kinesiology tape of the adductors
Instructions for kinesiology tape of the adductors
Instructions for kinesiology tape of the hamstrings
Instructions for kinesiology tape of the hamstrings
Instruction for kinesiology tape of the tractus iliotibialis
Instruction for kinesiology tape of the tractus iliotibialis
Instruction for Kinesiology Tape the Hallux Valgus
Instruction for Kinesiology Tape the Hallux Valgus
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the ankle joint
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the ankle joint
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the Achilles tendon
Instructions for kinesiology tape for pain in the Achilles tendon
Instructions for kinesiology tape as scar tape
Instructions for kinesiology tape as scar tape
Kinesiology Taping | Tips and Tricks
Kinesiology Taping | Tips and Tricks
Instructions for kinesiology tape after patellar dislocation
Instructions for kinesiology tape after patellar dislocation
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Taping fΓΌr besonders anspruchsvolle Situationen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate

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